Saturday, March 10, 2007

Regional Directory

Grokodile is a regional directory, broken down to easy to find categories. You can both find websites and blogs located in and about the area you're interested in, as well as add your website to the directory. The site is kind of new, so it might be cool to get in on the ground floor of this blog directory.

The site is easy to get around, but it's kinda dull to look at. I guess that's kinda good, as the focus is really on the information, but as a graphic designer, it just hurts my artist eyes to not see something 'designed'.
Post sponsored by Grokodile

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Blogger Grokodile said...

Hmm, good point. Thanks for the feedback.

Obviously at some point when the site is more established it would be nice to have something a bit more polished and attractive.

9:35 PM


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