iTunes Sales Fall
Well, to say they fell is like saying Michael Jackson's a little odd. They plummetted, and I for one, could not be happier. iTunes is one of the most evil and foul creations out there. It, and many other Apple products, is the antithesis of what the information revolution is all about. With it's possessive and proprietary nature driving its place in the market, it completely deserves any failures it garners.
The very idea that I can buy music, BUT only play it on approved devices and computers is so abhorrent to me, if I had known it before I had recieved my iPod as a gift, I would have told the gift-giver to take it back and get me something else.
Not only can I not play the music that I spent my own money on, unless that computer has been verified by the all mighty Apple, I can't play it at all on a computer that is not connected to the internet, because of course, that computer can't be verified. To add insult to ignomy, I can only verify 5 computers to play iTunes purchased music.
So yes, I wish failure upon iTunes. Gladly and happily.
Apple's iTunes music sales collapses in H1: survey Yahoo and Reuters
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