Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Zune Answer to iPod?

Here's hoping, but I'm not holding my breath. The iPod has such a hold on the marketplace that I can't see any other product chipping away at that dominance. Even experts are at a loss as to why the iPod is so huge with consumers.

That's because they're idiots. The iPod is hot because it's hot. Markets are driven by themselves. The iPod was not the first MP3 player, but it was the first to have any kind of style or chic. Before then the MP3 player was a total geek toy and had nothing to offer the hip generation. It's the same chic that had driven Myspace to the top of the marketplace. Coolness. Myspace became populated with cool people rather than techy geeks. Coolness breeds coolness. If something is "cool", everyone wants it, hoping that it will make them seem cool. This isn't rocket-science. Maybe that's why the rocket scientists don't get it.

iPods are cool because they are cool. They look cool. The one thing that Apple does really well is product design. Oh, and marketing. Seems that's all you need.

Zune will never make it if it looks like a glorified Walkman.

With Zune, The Empire Strikes Back Paul Korzeniowski, Investor's Business Daily


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