Sunday, February 04, 2007

Dell Hell

I have an old account with Dell Financial and it has been paid off for a while. As my computer is getting pretty old, and has RAM that is a pain to find (RDRAM), I figured I'd give myself a late Christmas present and get a new one. So I toddled over to Dell and checked out their outlet site and found a really nice system for a reasonable price.
So I headed to the cart and went through their long, involved checkout process only to get a runtime error everytime I tried to use my Dell Financial account. They'd let me use a regular credit card or a Paypal account, but anything to do with Dell Financial got a runtime error. No, they couldn't help me, since it was an outlet item and the outlet department is closed on the weekends, but they'd be glad to help me set up a new one (that cost twice as much).

4 hours and 6 customer service reps later I bought a Gateway.

Then Gateway called back and said they didn't have the computer THAT I PAID FOR in stock. They'd be happy to give me another - for $300 more. And the 22" monitor doesn't come with it, but they'd be glad to give me another - for another $45.


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