Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Slammer Worm Still an Issue

It's been more than four years since the Slammer worm burrowed its way into user's computers, exploiting a hole in Microsoft's SQL Server. As of the today, it's still considered the number one threat to computer users.

February 21st, 2007
As the worm squirms: Slammer still runs amok
Posted by Ryan Naraine

More than four years after Slammer started exploiting holes in Microsoft’s SQL Server and Desktop Engine database products, the worm continues to squirm in machines that some believe will never be disinfected.

Over the past two days, SQL Slammer was listed as the number one threat on Arbor Network’s new ATLAS (Active Threat Level Analysis System), accounting for a whopping 25 percent of all malicious Internet activity detected by Arbor’s censors. The bulk of the Slammer attacks are coming from infected hosts in China.

Full Story from ZDnet

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