Thursday, September 06, 2007

Apple Sucks It Up

Your money, is usually what they're sucking up, but in this case, they're stepping up and sucking up their pride to offer early adopters some of that money they scammed off of them.

After their initial announcement that they were going to lower the price of their flawed iPhone's by $200, those Apple-blinded minions who slapped down $600 to be the first to have the dimly lit phones were pretty pissed off that they ponied up such a hefty fee, only to have Jobs lower the price a month later. Have to admit I'm finding it difficult to feel sympathy for people would would spend that kind of money for a phone, but I still feel pretty irked that the obvious "real" price of the item versus the cynical "market" price of it is so clearly uneven.

Announced today, Jobs is offering $100 to those who bought iPhones early on, to mitigate the damage he's done to his legions of faithful minions. Personally, with the kind of mindless and blind product loyalty Apple engenders, I don't even think it's necessary, but it's good to see Jobs doing 'almost' the right thing.

Full Story from Wired Online

- interestingly, the $100 he's offering to early adopters is not cash, but store credit. Crafty bastard.

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